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Your Next Health Stop.

Improve your General Wellbeing - Body, Mind, and Spirit. 

Welcome to GAOM

Welcome to Grace Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. We are about taking care of your Health Conditions, Pain & Discomforts and Mental-Emotional issues that are prevalent in this modern times. 
Please leave Reviews on Google etc. to help our community know more about how Acupuncture and Herbs can help various conditions, especially the Post-COVID conditions.
Look forward to treating you!



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Patient Portal

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 Conditions We Treat

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Grace Cho L.Ac. | GAOM

Grace Cho  L.Ac.

Licensed Acupuncturist

  • Acupuncturist & Owner of GAOM
  • Acupuncturist at Emory University Hospital
  • Acupuncturist at Sierra Botanica & Collaborative Medicine

" Patient-focused care is my priority. Everyone comes in with different conditions, their own unique constitutions and lifestyles. I think of what treatment would be the best for each patient.

Trained locally in the U.S., and in Contemporary Oriental Medicine & Contemporary Pulse Diagnosis, I am able to diagnose to the detail of what is happening in your system. This allows me to give you specially customized acupuncture treatments and herbs to help you get better quick and achieve your health goals. "

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